Phonothèque québécoise Phonothèque québécoise
A Sound Archive
Preserving, documenting and sharing our sound heritage

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Enter one term per field or two terms sequentially (if you already know the title)
  • For a proper noun  (author, composer or performer) enter last name, or last name followed by first name
Ex. : Lennon or Lennon, John
not John Lennon

Initially, this catalogue was created to provide bibliographic information about books, periodicals, music, video and other materials in Phonothèque québécoise's collection. For the title, look for the original language of the document. For the subject, please use french word. Please, take in consideration that the Phonothèque québécoise is dedicated to conserving, exploring and sharing Québec's sound heritage.

The Phonothèque Inventories and Databases Projects


All rights reserved
© 1997 Phonothèque québécoise / Musée du son
Last update April 
7, 2004